Cheaper prison calls help you stay connected.
We’ve made Prison Connect as simple as a home phone without the cost and hassle of installing a fixed line service.
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Things you should know
PrisonConnect is not approved or endorsed by any Australian correctional authority.
Most correctional authorities prohibit prisoners calling VOIP (voice-over-IP) services like Skype. Some prohibit call diversions. PrisonConnect is not a VOIP service; both the inbound call from the prison and the outbound call to your mobile use the public telephone network like anyone calling your mobile direct.
PrisonConnect could be considered a call diversion service, but your mobile is the only possible destination of a call to your landline number and so the service is functionally the same as a fixed land line. Your landline number is ‘locked’ to the verified mobile number you sign up with and cannot be changed to another mobile number by the end user.
If in doubt, consult the relevant prison authorities.